Effective Self-Help for Depression
In 2015, a survey conducted by the Chinese University of Hong Kong stated that about 61% population experienced poor mental conditions in Hong Kong, and depression and anxiety disorders are the most prevalent mental disorders. Depression can be treated with medication, psychology or other treatments. No matter what kind of treatment you receive, you can't ignore one of the most effective treatment methods - self-help and emotional management, this book is based on the belief that "everyone can help their own emotions".
This self-help manual summarizes some characteristics of depression and patients' self-help theories. It introduces patients' self-help methods based on cognitive therapy, behavioral therapy, meditation, acceptance and commitment therapy, positive psychology and other self-help theories. Furthermore, the recommended self-help methods are also being mentioned base on the author's clinical experience and it is simple and practical to understand. Nowadays, there are many people with mental illness in Hong Kong, and the public has paid more attention to this illness than ever. We believe that this book is very applicable to our society.