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Soaring Creativity - Hong Kong Pavilion

Co-organized by Hong Kong Publishing Federation and The Hong Kong Printers Association and sponsored by Cultural and Creative Industries Development Agency of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the “Soaring Creativity - Hong Kong Pavilion” project was held since 2011 to showcase the creativity and achievements of Hong Kong's publishing and printing industry to the world by setting up “Hong Kong Pavilion” in a number of major international books fairs. In October 2023, the project returns to Frankfurt Book Fair with an offline “Hong Kong Pavilion” again, coupled with a new online version, for the exhibiting Hong Kong publishers and printers to showcase Hong Kong's excellent publications, print works and multimedia publications. The enhanced “Hong Kong Pavilion” that enables Hong Kong publishers and printers to be connected with their counterparts and readers around the globe beyond geographical and time boundaries will help Hong Kong’s publishing and printing industry develop new overseas markets and seize business opportunities.


Hong Kong Publishing Federation Limited

Hong Kong Publishing Federation (HKPF) was founded in 1994. It is the most representative trade organization of the publishing industry in Hong Kong. Founding members of HKPF are Hong Kong Book and Stationery Industry Association Company Limited, The Hong Kong Publishers and Distributors Association, Educational Booksellers’ Association Limited, The Anglo-Chinese Textbook Publishers Organization Limited, Hong Kong Book & Magazine Trade Association Limited, The Hong Kong Publishing Professionals Society Limited, The Hong Kong Educational Publishers Association Limited and Sino United Publishing (Holdings) Limited. HKPF aims to promote the development of Hong Kong’s creative publishing industry, strengthen industry cohesion, protect industry interests, and foster industry cooperation with its counterparts on the Chinese Mainland, Chinese Taiwan, Chinese Macau and overseas.


The Hong Kong Printers Association

The Hong Kong Printers Association (HKPA) is the longest-history and most representative printing organization in Hong Kong. Since its establishment in 1939, HKPA has not only witnessed the development of the industry, but has also grown with it. Through its communications with governments and other institutes, its publication and website, various conferences and study missions, as well as its professional training centre, HKPA has enhanced the cohesion and competitiveness of Hong Kong’s printing industry, and has acted as a bridge connecting it with the Chinese Mainland and the rest of the world.


Recent Development and Competency of Hong Kong Publishing Industry

Hong Kong’s publishing industry is heading towards modernization and internationalization with its keen business sense, dynamic thinking and broad vision. Today, Hong Kong has already become a significant distribution centre for books and publications in Asia-Pacific, which empowers Hong Kong to play an important role in the cultural and creative industries as well as in the media domain.

An Open Market

Hong Kong is a completely open and diversified market that cultivates a vast diversity of different products with quality content or innovative concepts. An open market allows the free circulation of imported books from the Mainland, Taiwan, Europe and America, which are all widely available for sale in Hong Kong. Such availability helps readers raise their ability to appreciate and accept wide-ranging literary works. It also enables non-mainstream books to enter the market and enhance the business environment to nurture the industry.

Mature Market Mechanism Hong Kong enjoys a relatively mature market mechanism with high awareness of copyright issues and standardized trading regulations. Along with high industrial credibility, risks in dead loans and bad debts are relatively low. In addition, Hong Kong enterprises have long been influenced by management styles of western societies. Such influence enables these enterprises to have higher awareness of modern enterprise management, which is beneficial to the continual improvement of overall efficiency in their operations.

Convergence of Eastern and Western Cultures

Hong Kong has a unique cultural background and is positioned at a convergent point of Eastern and Western cultures. The openness of the society and the active tides of thoughts bring together ideas from different cultures, stimulating endless creativity. The low threshold of business operations encourages emergence of new publishers with creative ideas every year, maintaining the vitality and competitiveness of the local publishing industry.

Innovative Ideas Outstanding publishing concepts cannot come to life without quality printing technologies. Hong Kong, as one of the world’s top four printing centers, has always possessed forefront printing technologies that can turn wild fantasies into reality. The recent success in pop-up book publishing is a prime example.

International Perspective

Hong Kong’s creative industries have always been in a leading position in Asia. Most of the talent from creative industries are working across different media, introducing new blood and new concepts to the publishing industry. On top of that, Hong Kong’s free flow of information, flexibility and global vision allow her publishing industry to maintain an irreplaceable position in the rapidly changing world.


  • Hong Kong Publishing Federation
  • www.publishers.com.hk
  • (852) 2578 6000
  • info@publishers.com.hk
  • 26/F, SUP Tower, 75-83 King's Road, North Point, Hong Kong


Recent Development and Competency of Hong Kong Printing Industry

With its excellent services, abundance of talent, high quality control, fast-adapting innovation, competitive pricing and sustainable production techniques, printers from Hong Kong are often internationally acclaimed printing enterprise. Embedded in a sound, well-developed legal and financial infrastructure, printing enterprises from Hong Kong are welcomed by clients from worldwide.

Top-notch Service

Hong Kong printing companies thrive on providing one-stop service by actively seeking quality partners to undertake every production process, including the coordinating services such as logistics and postage. Not only can the clients be exempted from the hassle of dealing with separate service providers, but they can also receive regular updates of their orders, which enhance their comfort and convenience of the whole trading process.

Extraordinary Manpower

Experienced in foreign trading, the Hong Kong printing industry is supported by a vast network of talent who have excellent communication and language skills, fostering printing services that truly address the needs of clients. With the global vision and foresights, the enterprises are able to keep the clients updated about the latest market development and global trends. With the sufficient information gathered, they are also capable of guiding the clients to making the best decisions regarding the current market situation. Since some of the enterprises have set up factories in the Mainland, clients can enjoy the subtle craftsmanship by the workers there. Together with the superb management system in Hong Kong, the quality of products is ensured.

Respect Intellectual Property Rights

The printing industry in Hong Kong acknowledges intellectual property as a cornerstone of the development of cultural and creative industries, and our broader society. It is also a foundation of a trusted and respectful client relationship. Many printing companies in Hong Kong, especially those specialize in book and magazine printing, invest great effort in protecting intellectual property and safeguarding the contents and concepts of clients’ publications from illegitimate use.

Green Printing

Hong Kong printing industry proactively advocates green printing - adapting eco-friendly raw materials such as soy ink and paper made from sustainable forests, using energy-saving printing equipment, as well as recycling waste. With all the constant efforts, the Hong Kong printing industry is classified as a low-polluting urban-cultural industry nowadays. In recent years, the industry has further reduced its energy consumption while increasing the production efficiency through the application of advanced technology as contribution to environment protection.

Creative Printing

The printing industry plays an important role in socio-cultural and economic development in Hong Kong, as a backbone of the supply chain of the cultural and creative industries. In book printing, printers and publishers work hand-in-hand to spark boundless creativity to produced print books in huge varieties. Printers devoted themselves to research and development of innovative methods and techniques, to best showcase the creativity of different products. As an important medium to inherit human civilization and culture, printers input ingenious ideas into the design of children's books and educational toys that induces learning incentives of children.

Promote Printing Standardization

The Hong Kong Printers Association's subsidiary, Advanced Printing Technilogy Centre (APTEC) enhance the printing standards developed in Hong Kong and promote them for wider use by printers in other GBA cities and worldwide. The project is supported by the Cultural and Creative Industries Development Agency.

  • The Hong Kong Printers Association
  • www.hkprinters.org
  • (852) 2527 5050
  • printers@hkprinters.org
  • 1/F., 48-50 Johnston Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong