Northlandia is one of the five imaginary countries in The World of 2084, the artist’s lifelong project to portray a futuristic ecotopian/dystopian world in the corresponding year.
Drawing from diverse sources such as early arctic pioneer history and fairy tales, Northlandia is a surreal arctic tale of the precarious balance between human greed and the magical landscape, between the north and the rest of the world and between self-preservation and the rapidly changing climate.
The Ice Queen (a polar bear ice sculpture) has a lot on her hands. With half the country's glaciers gone and its permafrost shifting, the Queen is desperately working to close Pandora's box.
The first task is to rebuild her disappearing glaciers with a mountain-size ice-cream maker. The walrus magicians are experimenting with a pilot plan to rebuild glaciers with a mountain-size ice-cream maker, in the form an Art Noveau penguin. Furthermore, the ice-cream maker absorbs atmospheric heat through its buttock tube and radiates cool air through its head!
Right now, this process generates a large amount of energy that churns out the creamiest ice-cream!
The walrus magicians need to figure out how to change ice-cream into glaciers…or do they?

Michelle Fung


Michelle Fung


Michelle Fung



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